List: Juno, A Kummy Story

Title of Picture Book: Juno, a Kummy story

Author: Lynette Wan
Illustrator: Dexian Feng
Publisher and Country (may be self-published): Self-published, Singapore
Publisher’s Blurb: Have you ever heard of the Kummies? They are plant people who live on a fruit farm. They look identifical, think alike and do the same thing every other day. Junko, a Kummy who looks a little different from the rest, chooses to be an exception – something most of us stay away from. An unexpected trip and fierce summer heat upset the Kummies’ routine, leaving them with no choice but to seek help from Juno. How can Juno help? Will the Kummies embrace change? The Kummies are about to embark on the journey to discovering that change is not all bad.

5 Keywords (other than themes): Change, adapting, imagination, seeds, plants

Brief Review (in under 50 words): A simple story about diversity and also the willingness to embrace change.
Where to buy or borrow (if available): NLB Singapore
ISBN Number (if available): 978-981-08-5427-0
Submitted by (could be your preferred name, including pen name): Moses