List: David’s Story

Title of Picture Book: David’s Story

Author: Mary M

Illustrator: Karen Lesslar

Publisher and Country (may be self-published): Armour Publishing, Singapore

Publisher’s Blurb: “In a sense, David’s Story is not about death – it is about life, love and the living. The story shows us how we can lean to manage death and how one bad experience should not make us stumble. Instead, we should learn to be strong and to pick ourselves up.

This story is also about parenting, family bonding and how a family can grow together. Indeed, this may be a short storybook but it is big on teaching us values such as resilience, responsibility and caring for others. It has also taught me about growing up and learning to move on. David’s Story will stay with me for a long time.”
– Dr Jessica Leong

5 Keywords (other than themes): death, grief, funeral, therapy, mother

Brief Review (in under 50 words): It deals with a sensitive topic in a fairly straight forward manner.

Where to buy or borrow (if available): NLB, Singapore

ISBN Number (if available): 978-981-4668-47-7

Submitted by (could be your preferred name, including pen name): Moses