I Can Climb!

Title of Picture Book: I Can Climb!

Author: Mini Shrinivasan

Illustrator: Deval Maniar

Publisher and Country (may be self-published): Pratham Books, India

Publisher’s Blurb: Here, a little boy learns to climb up. But can he climb down? This book is one of the four books in the Growing Up series.

Theme (Self, Friends, Family, Places, Celebrations, Nature, Technology, etc): self

5 Keywords (other than themes): learning, growing up, brave, father, up and down

Brief Review (in under 50 words): A fun book to read with a young one.

Where to buy or borrow (if available): National Library Board, Singapore

ISBN Number (if available): 978-93-5022-235-5

Submitted by (could be your preferred name, including pen name): Moses